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accurate | relevant | actionable


in all U.S. District 

Circuit and Federal Courts

Extreme Problem Solving

Response and Resolution

Data Intelligence Gathering

Global Reach

The Best Talent In The World  

From The Best Agencies

Black Swan Defense and Intelligence is a private security company with global reach and resources.  Established in response to the need for a one throat to choke team, no challenge is too big for any of the 100 plus retired Federal agents on our global roster. 

FBI | U.S. Secret Service | DEA | IRS | ATF | DHS | HSI | DoD

Our talent is the best in world, trained by the best agencies in the world and global reach gives us the best response time during critically important situations, where seconds matter.

Data Center

Cyber Defense

and Cyber Investigation

Cyber Services


Computer forensics is focused largely on data recovery. The data recovered is often used as evidence in criminal trials, but sometimes is recovered for companies after a data loss incident.


Additionally, the criminals that computer forensics professionals investigate are not always cybercriminals. Because almost everyone uses a computer, there is often valuable information on their personal device that can contribute to an investigation.

Cyber security, on the other hand, is more concerned with defense. Cyber security professionals work under a variety of job titles, but nearly all of them work to build networks and systems that are secure from potential attackers.


Sometimes they use hacking to test their own networks or the networks of a client to find areas of weakness and bolster them.

Cyber Investigations

Computer forensics can be an essential facet of modern investigations. When a crime is committed and an investigation is started, one of the more common places to look for clues is the computer or cell phone of a suspect. This is where a computer forensics professional enters the picture.

When a suspect has been identified and their personal computer or cell phone taken into evidence, a computer forensics professional goes searching for data that is relevant to the investigation. When searching for information, they need to be careful to follow detailed procedures that allow their findings to be used as evidence.


The information they uncover, whether it be documents, browsing information or even metadata, may then be used by the defense or the prosecution to create a compelling case.

Crypto Currency and Blockchain Subject Matter Experts

Cryptocurrencies are anonymous and untraceable. The cryptocurrency system is decentralized, meaning there is no central server, administrator or manager.


It is based on a network distributed across a large number of computers with users completing transactions through applications on smartphones or computers.

We have the best resources in the world and can recover or locate your lost or stolen coin.

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